Exhibition runs December 3, 2016 – January 15, 2017
Niagara Falls History Museum: Ontario Power Generation Gallery
5810 Ferry Street, Niagara Falls, ON
So happy that this show is going to be seen so close to home, and that the 36 foot piece The Big Snafu, will be temporarily liberated from my ma’s basement. As well, we put a a sweet catalogue together to accompany the show. Best friend and amazing book designer Ernest Harris Jr. worked away this fall to put together this publication which includes a couple of short essays by Dennis Soron and Roslyn Pivarnyik. Artista Design and Print (located in Niagara Falls) is responsible for printing and assembling this gem, and it has a surprise centerfold that I can’t get enough of. The catalogue is possible through the gracious support of Allie Hughes of Hughes & Co, Tammy Ziegler of Out of the Past, and of course, The Niagara Falls History Museum. Here is a link to an article that ran in the Niagara Falls Museum on December 12th. http://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/2016/12/01/museum-show-supersizes-vintage-scrapbooks
As well here is an interview on The Source with Brenda Shultz: http://www.tvcogeco.com/niagara/gallery/the-source/8116-dec-source/111911-scrapbook-paintings